Once Upon a time, an ancient Licorne queen had perished under the lust of those who sought her ancient magic for their own greed. Slain in twain with her beloved mate – a Great-wolf knight of mythical renown feared across all the realms. In their final breaths, she tied their very souls together with the last echo of her magic. An immortal promise to never lose each other across any life they would live. Uncountable lives have passed for them, destined for eachother for eternity. Alas… all have ended in tragedy.
By chance their souls have found visages that mimicked their first meeting so long ago – and by fate they have met once again.
Opposites in nearly every way, Miorjah, the Last Licorne princess and Fenris, King of the North, must live with a magical bond that simply cannot be. The longing both had felt for years finally blossoming upon the first time they met within the ancient Chateau Miorjah’s bloodline has called home since antiquity. Without thought, the Conqueror King claimed the Princess as his ward, for the maiden mare knows naught of the slaughter of her parents and people. He whisked her away from the enchanted Chateau she promised to dwell within till her parents’ return and took her to his impenetrable northern fortress.
The King of the North has taken no wife nor mistress, for his heart was supposedly frozen by an ancient curse that won him his bloody crown. Now, the domineering male finds himself obsessed with the virginal, feminine Princess. She is his. His perfect lover. His destined bride. Tender, fragile and timid, Miorjah is his perfect female in every way, as if she was painted from his very dreams. Alas, he knows well that spitting in the face of his allies, bloodline and ancient traditions could throw the nation he forged into turmoil.
Miorjah finds her very being torn between becoming the beloved gilded bride of the Iotunnulf king and finding her place amongst the mighty northern clans and finding a way back to her family. Her prideful heart and fond memories call her to restore the Licorne throne and fulfill the charge her ancestors have kept since the moon spoke to them so long ago. The fragile maiden finds her heart plagued with the male who she has dreamed of since she was but a filly before her, and the destiny that she feels a duty to complete.

The lingering question is if will fate date to repeat itself, or will they finally live happily ever after...?